The project “TANDEM – TAsk-based laNguage teaching anD collaborative lEarning for upskilling Migrants” aims to increase the employability and key competences of migrant and local adults, by offering them an innovative and non-formal learning opportunity in which migrants are encouraged to use their existing linguistic capabilities and turn them into an employment possibility as language teacher, while promoting intercultural exchanges and peer-learning with local adults.
Because research shows that local and migrant adults in Europe lack essential competences such as literature, mathematics and digital skills which are important for employment and social inclusion, and these competences can be developed and increased through language teaching and learning.
By creating a complete learning opportunity for migrants who want to teach their language to local adults, using the method of Task-based Language Teaching, and developing digital and intercultural awareness skills. Locals, in turn, will be able to attend free language classes and thus increase their foreign language skills.

TANDEM is 30 months European project, started in October 2019, funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci. The project activities will be implemented throughout 5 different European countries: Italy, Greece, Austria, Cyprus, and Germany.
Get involved!
Key competences such as speaking several languages, digital skills, and intercultural awareness and expression are important skills for employability and empowerment. Therefore, TANDEM will develop adjusted learning materials for non-traditional language teachers, train migrants as language teachers through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and give the possibility to migrants to practice the method in try-out classes and language exchanges.
Do you want to be involved in this? Are you:

A migrant
and do you want to learn how to teach your language to others?

A local adult
and do you want to learn a new foreign language for free?

Neither or both
or do you simply want more information about the project, its outputs and its methodologies?