
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”


CSC Danilo Dolci is a non-profit organization located in Palermo, Italy, founded in 1958 by Danilo Dolci, a social activist, sociologist, pacifist and educator. CSC works mainly in the educational sector and has several collaborations with schools, university, institutions, associations and social groups, both at local and international level, focusing on two main pillars, local development and creativity.

Active Citizens Partnership


Active Citizens Partnership is an NGO based in North Eastern Greece and has its office in Athens. They have extensive experience to design and support programs that address contemporary training and social needs at national and European level. With the assistance of the State and the European Union they have developed measures to prevent and tackle social problems and assist vulnerable groups.



COMPASS is a non-profit private company that was established in Austria with an intercultural focus in order to promote professional, educational and socio-cultural integration of disadvantaged groups that consist mainly of migrants and refugees facing economic, socio-cultural and educational obstacles in Austria. We offer a variety of services to disadvantaged groups looking for the opportunities to get news skills and competences that support them in a better inclusion to the labor market in Tyrol region.

CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD


CSI is a research and development organizations which focusses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional and global contexts. CSI believes that the four pillars of Social Interaction, Education, Development and Economic Rationalization coupled with fundamentally sound and sustainable solutions as well as disruption to streamlined solutions to systemic social problems can lead to creative solutions that impact significant change to the social fabric of every society.

Iberika Education Group GGMBH


Iberika education group gGmbH is a private non-profit adult education provider founded in Berlin in 1996. Their main purpose it to promote education, international attitude and tolerance in all fields of culture, through the organization and implementation of courses, seminars, workshops, meetings, exhibitions, performances and public discussions in the areas of new teaching / learning methods as well as motivation strategies for trainers and learners. One of their pillars is the development and implementation of language new tendencies and technology-based curricula.